
How many people talk about the fact that life sucks?

Life sucks.

In all tiers of the human existence.

Oh, my dad left for eight rotations around the sun.

In my formative years.

My brother was severely altered by a disease and when mom was working he was my responsibility.

Just so you know seizures are terrifying for a twelve year old.

He had a range of them.

But we shared a room because no matter what… I was awake right before it happened.

There was a moment of silence when my eyes opened in the darkness.

A yawn

A stretch

A sigh

I wondered why I was awake

And then it would happen

The noise from the next bed. Then the thrashing.

My body would fly to his bed without having to be told

The word “Mom” would echo through the house

Followed shortly by the sound of pounding feet down the hallway

His head was cradled in my lap

He gasped for air

He convulsed

He cried out in pain

My heart broke at a very young age

Rage at whoever was in charge rose

We were alone my mom and I

In the responsibility of my brother

His smiles rivaled the sun

Even if the sun was the thing that made him smile the most.

He was my treasure.

He was our treasure.

Someone who never felt the pressure of






I would say hunger but he was always ready for a snack cake.

Life sucks.

But his life despite his physical trials is beautiful

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